TSA Logo

New TSA Regulations for Travelers Inbound to the USA 

If you’re flying to the US from your field of service be prepared for this new TSA change. You will have to have your electronic devices powered on to demonstrate it works before boarding. If it doesn’t power on you may have to leave it. You can read more about it here. Read More

British Airways

British Airways – Frequent Miles for Yourself and WWNTBM

British Airways offers a program which allows you to earn miles for yourself and for us. When booking your flight, or a flight you have taken in the last four months, you give British Air your frequent flyer number, then you give them our number: 049447US. They will credit us both for your miles. Read More

Book Recommendation for Missionary Parents

Your calling to serve placed you and your family in another culture.  This book: Belonging Everywhere and Nowhere: Insights into Counseling the Globally Mobile treats how to work with your children who are a blend of cultures. It is worth reading to help you now or to help you prepare for when your children are grown. Read More


Grammarly.com: Check Any Document At Anytime

Every missionary will communicate by writing. Grammarly.com aids your writing by checking your grammar. WWNTBM offers a grammar service in our prayer letter department. However, this service allows you to check any document at anytime. There is a seven-day trial available to you. Read More

Stack of Books
Apostello Designs

TntMPD – Free Program for Managing Your Ministry Partners

"TntMPD is a free program for managing your relationships with your ministry partners.  Although anyone might find it useful, it is designed specifically for missionaries who raise their own support. The hope in sharing TntMPD with you is that you, a fellow missionary, will have more time to do what God has called you to do.   Read More

Shipping Boxes

Humanitarian Shipping Resource

The Denton Amendment is a U.S. military program that offers shipping of humanitarian goods and vehicles. The individual is responsible for all applications and the transportation of your goods to the shipping locations. This program will not ship Gospel literature. Since it is a government program, there will be many restrictions, standby lists, long waits, and forms to complete. Read More

Resources for Missionaries
Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Insurance Consultants International (ICI), the people who service the international insurance needs of short-term and long-term workers around the world through missiontripInsurance.com, now offers guaranteed issue term life insurance for those serving overseas! Read More

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