Spanish Resources

Bro. Alejandro Sanchez has been serving the Lord faithfully in Spain for many years. He has written two Spanish books that may be a blessing to you if you have a Spanish ministry. They are both available in hard copy or ebook format.

In his own words, here are the descriptions of these two books:

“Palabras de la Palabra” (Words of the Word)

This book has been written for the hundreds, and even thousands of believers, that cannot understand the technical words that are used in the languages in which the Word of God was written. Nevertheless, without abandoning the teachings that come from the Biblical languages, the author chose 21 words and extracted teachings, applying them to today’s time and understanding.

Therefore, we can say that Palabras de la Palabra (English title: Words of the Word) was written as a technical devotional which will help its readers to apply in a very practical way those words that very often we read in our Bibles and are also used in our churches. Words like Love, Judgment, Praise, Wisdom, Holiness, and Grace will have a much greater significance and deeper meaning after the reading of this book.

The author will be satisfied if some believers, after reading this work, grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We are here to help each other. The Lord has not yet come, so we have time to learn more for the Word of God to work in our lives.

His book can be purchased here on

Notes: Edited in 2016; contains 300 pages; very useful for missionaries in Spanish countries. 

“El Divorcio Según Dios” (Divorce According to God)

This is a delicate Bible study on this very touchy subject on divorce and second marriages.

The content of El Divorcio Según Dios (Divorce According to God), deals objectively with what the Bible says about divorce. It is possible that in light of today’s presuppositions, not only unbelievers, but Christians may be surprised to learn they believe incorrectly after looking it under the Holy Scriptures. Throughout the years and under the influence of this decaying world, we have accumulated some wrong views on divorce that are contrary to God’s Word. The author recommends you to read the book completely, and then draw your own conclusions and applications according to the Bible.

This book has proved to be a blessing among our people in our own congregation, and others around the world. Above all, we have been encouraged to love our own spouses more and to be more respectful with one another in the circle of our own marriages.

His book can be purchased here on

Notes: Edited in 2010 and contains 152 pages; very useful for missionaries in Spanish countries. 

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